Don't engage them in conversation or reason with them. When are they going to get the hint and stop? I will sleep well tonight. I have written both my senators, Warner and Webb of Virginia, and stated my refusal to comply with the ACS. The Census Bureau would have to refer a case to the Dept of Justice, they have no power of their own. A: While the Census Bureau claims that an individuals information will be kept strictly confidential,[28] it does require a recipient to put their name on the survey, ostensibly for the purpose of asking follow-up questions in the event of missing or incomplete answers.[29]. Learn about two important Census Bureau surveys covering housing data, the American Community Survey (ACS) and the American Housing Survey (AHS). Well it started for me. I don't answer the door to anyone who comes. It is confined to determining the number of Representatives [in the House] and imposing direct Taxes among the several States. The law in Title 13 exists solely for the purpose of being able to print the treat on the forms and to use to intimidate scared grandmothers. Explain that their responses will constitute consent to display the video online. I watched and saw that she was only there five minutes. Read our Newswire Disclaimer. A week later, the same worker showed up and said it was my last chance or I could be fined and possibly jailed. Then you want to threaten with fines? Those of you who filled it out have no backbone or common sense. We gave the government the right to count us. When the government fears the people there is liberty." The SS Admin does not care. I said I did not need any help. Violence against transgender people in the United States But not so with us. Of course I had, but she got snotty like I was lying and said we would have to fill it out over again right-here-right-now. Answering the US Census Is Required by Law - ThoughtCo !Now I have to pay for temp workers who have my private info to sell overseas maybe???? You don't want your personal information in some library, online or in an archives someday do you? The woman was carrying a clip board. I may answer the door this time, but my attitude is going to be that I won't allow this to cause me any more stress than deciding what toppings I want on my pizza. For years I've been very concerned about the direction that our country has been taking. To those of you who claim to be "harassed" by these enumerators, why didn't you just complete the Census form you received in the mail back in March and send it back? "Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who who have the courage to defend it." But, I still don't have a clue where to send the $100 fine. all the government tries to say if they want you to do something is say "its the law" thinking people will run and do what they say. The House GOP proposal would eliminate any increase in funds for 2020 planning, and it cuts nearly $500 million in total from the administration's request, including reductions for the American. I firmly told her I had no intention of filling out the survey as I felt it was no one's business. I see no reason to comply. I didn't argue or discuss it, just stated the truth and hung up immediately. Tells the stories behind the numbers in a new inviting way. Never logged on (implicit refusal) 2.11 524 Survey completed after close of the field period 2.27 2 They're people just like you are, Americans just like you are. You wouldn't be getting personal visits and/or phone calls from these Census workers right now. They do go to your neighbors and landlord if you are a renter, and they do try to threaten and intimidate you by saying that if you don't answer then someone will return and will have the police with them, so yeah, keep on believing that it's all just a few harmless questions. ACS estimates are all period estimates representing an interval of time, not a single date like April 1, 2010. I bet some of the people who are so desperate for food and necessities in other countries would love to change places with you and they would probably be thrilled to answer a few questions. American will also allow most passengers barred from flying for mask noncompliance "to resume travel at some point in time," Gatten said in an earnings call on Thursday. I ignored all of them. A couple were friendly; one sounded very "authoritative" and intimidating. We haven't been bothered since. 3) If by some chance they go for it, ask them the most embarrassing, asinine, or silly questions you can think of. I made the mistake of putting my phone number on the form. This is just crap. I very much doubt. The assertion by census workers that there is a simple fine of $5,000.00 for not providing the info is total crap! The survey also asks how many bedrooms and bathrooms you have in your house, along with the fuel used to heat your home, the cost of electricity, what type of mortgage you have and monthly mortgage payments, property taxes and so on. she wouldnt tell him who she was and kept insisting to come in. Why doesn't the gov just sell us some cyanide instead of slowly picking away at our bones? We will be contacting our U.S. senators, including one who is is in a very tight re-election campaign. ACS is really not worth losing any sleep over. Charlottesville, VA 22906 By the way, the is a new grassroots site that is just starting called Town Roots. Like many, I received the original short census form, completed it and mailed it back immediately. A Woodsboro couple is refusing to respond to a U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey, saying the federal government's questionnaire is too invasive. Whether I'm white, black, hispanic, etc., or whether I own or rent my home, makes as much difference to the count of legal U.S. citizens as not having to show your legal or illegal status as a U.S. citizen. There are friends who ask me if I want to put up with the harassment from the government -wouldn't it be easier to just give in and give the information to them? Published: January 12, 2021 - 2:23 AM ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) Here's a Good Question-about an odd delivery in the mail. Yet, it seems lately that these rights are being taken from the American people. Is the American Community Survey legit? | Consumer Advice So he then left. Some citizens believe that city planning should be carried out through the collection of anonymous, aggregate information. I asked my accountant about them and he recommended not to fill them out. The survey is 28 pages long and requires answers to between 95 and 263 questions depending on the number of persons living in the residence. The worker harassed him and told him he had to answer the question or he would be in trouble with the police. Twice, a person showed up at our door. I have not opened or returned them. (ACS question number 33). It's been an easy decision for me. Here are the facts I discovered: Some of the questions asked in this questionnaire are so intrusive that I would not even give this information to my best friends or relatives. Calendar | City of Harrisonburg, VA They have been to my house, my place of business, also calling my place of business and if told I am busy they inform me they will call again in one hour. Too many are dependent on the government already. I actually worked for the Census in 1970. 'Useful' Idiots and the American Community Survey I just received the ACS survey and will not be sending it in. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. [17] SSV-6. Final Trump administration attempt to address citizenship in census In this workshop, you will find out how important the American Community Survey is for the nonprofit community and the unique ways nonprofits can use ACS data. We need to ban together and not cave in on this. He asked me about a census employee who visited my home the prior week. She noticed that I was very irritated and told me that she just needs the number of people who live here and ages. I did call the police on them. And nowhere in the Library of Congress has any bill ever given them the right to fine you. [11] The biggest, the American Community Survey (ACS), is sent annually to more than 3.5 million randomly selected homes to gather population, economic, housing and other data that helps determine how hundreds of billions of dollars in state and federal money is distributed. These concern matters that the government simply has no business knowing, including questions relating to respondents bathing habits, home utility costs, fertility, marital history, work commute, mortgage, and health insurance, among others. I am being harassed and threatened. The Census Bureau uses sampling methods to select households that represent a cross-section of the population of the United States. They are not better people, more deserving, more intelligent, more experienced they didn't know "how" things were going to work out they just knew they would. Section a authorizes every 10 years starting April 1. EXCLUDE State operated juvenile residential facilities. I was told if I didn't answer then his supervisor would come out and if I didn't respond to his supervisor, they would return with a Larimer County Sheriff and then I would have to answer or else! what is this country coming to? Americans must answer U.S. Census Bureau survey by law, though agency What they dont tell you is that the information is available to a long list of private corporation, research agencies and think tanks, who use the information to justify and pursue their own agendas. Do you think Cass Sunstein knowing how many people, of what age, have physical and emotional disabilities is for the benefit of your family? I too am grateful for this site. The last time I looked, American's had the right to privacy. Fiscal Year 2024 Letter to OMB Director Shalanda Young encouraging the Administration to prioritize funding for the U.S. Census Bureau and 2030 Census in its FY 2024 Person 30. Instead of counting the entire population once a decade like the census, the ACS surveys a sample of the population (about 3.5 million addresses) every year to create statistics for the nation, states and communities down to the "tract" or neighborhood level. I don't get mad about much but privacy is basic American. You can find the ACS forms on the Census web site under ACS. Now, I want to know how we go about suing these senseless census idiots! If the stories in this thread are true, those census workers are scum. There are even amendments to the amendments. Low-Income Renters Spent Larger Share of Income on Rent in 2021 I replied I would answer no questions. I have had them endlessly harass me on the phone after I filled the form out two times and talked to someone they sent to my door. Do you have a debit card, credit card, a loan, a job, own a house, a car, driver's license? we filled out the form the day it came and mailed it. Can you get in trouble for not filling out your Census form? "; "How many times a day do you fantasize about blowing up a federal building? Are Black Americans being locked out of the American dream of This scared him and on top of that, he did not know most of the answers to the questions. I said it sounded like a great idea. Menu. I like the idea of video taping them and guess I will charge up the old video camera. I am an American and this country is no greater than any other. My family has found past census information to be very valuable in genealogical research. First, a Census Bureau employee left a note at his apartment asking him to contact her. Although I suspect it's really only one or two of you. If they harass you with phone calls change your number before they do the census and keep it unlisted. We have starving, homelessness, government corruption. 2) Explaining that you will answer one personal question for every personal question they answer on camera. I was not in a hurry since I already had done this once. There are two adults and two children living at this residence. About how much do you think this house and lot, apartment, or mobile home would sell for if it were for sale? Get over yourselves. Polite, firm, refusal. Please give that a shot, I'll find me a constitutional lawyer and challenge the constitutionality of this law, any survey or law attached and the constitutionality of this survey as well as the census survey. Clemons v. Dep't of Commerce, 562 U.S. 1105 (2010). In addition, some point to the possibility of human error as a security concern over such personal and confidential information. They left before they arrived. I left the notice stuck to the door. I then yelled at him to "beat it" - (since he could see me and it was obvious that I knew he was there.). So give them a call or send an e-mail and see if someone there can help stop the phone calls. Something is wrong in this country when the hard working middle class is getting stomped out from top to bottom. I am so glad to once again stand up for my individual rights. I am a prisoner in my own home. Further, congressional rules on enforcement were controlled by the Republican Congressional Committee overseeing Census Bureau Operations, when the Republicans controlled congress. The census asks for the number of people who "stayed at your house on April 1, 2010." I am going to avoid all traps and when it is time to have them finally come over I am going to do an international webcast and sing answers and slowly say, ohhhhh I don't know.let me think and sit there for 15 minutes for each question.everyone will know where I don't work, how much money I don't make and that I don't have plumbing and that I fart a lot That's the game the Nazi's started with in the 30's as did Stalin, with the knocks on the door and the spying on each other. A: The American Community Survey, a questionnaire produced by the Census Bureau, not only asks about the number of persons in a household but also asks a broad range of questions about the activities of the people living in the household. Anyone else with other info/advice is politely requested to add their two cents. Be sure to document any interactions you have with Bureau representatives for your own files. If you are contacted by Census Bureau employees, either by telephone or in person, demanding your response, you can assert your rights by politely, but firmly, informing the employee that you believe the ACS is an improper invasion of your privacy, that you do not intend to respond and that they should not attempt to contact you again. But in this day and age, do you really believe by not taking the census that your personal information is more thoroughly protected? But the Supreme Court is not supreme over the other branches of government; it is supreme only over lower federal courts. I walked over to my neighbors later that evening and they told me that she did not come by to see them, but she was very persistent about getting the birth dates, ages, place of employment, phone numbers. [12] Q: What is the American Community Survey (ACS)? Or are they? [18] I would rather pay the $100 fine to keep my freedom in check. Thank God that we still live in a country where we can still tell a thug where to go. Census workers are trying to do a decent job like everyone should try to do. The American Community Survey is an offshoot of the census, but the ACS is done every year. Commission, 32 Fed. I now have multiple visits to my home every day, followed up by threatening calls with an hour of each. In order to do that people response is required. It seems to me that *all* the information they need and want should be available to them from our 1040's. Fix this problem, fix that, insure this, promise that, but do it without any info, just throw a dart and hope for the best, then when it fails we'll have someone to blame it on, but it won't be our fault! We need to take our country back. Wow! Are we going to let this happen? Typically, the Census Bureau will telephone those who do not respond to the survey and may visit their homes to coerce the targets to respond. I am standing firm this time. I received this census (which to clarify is not the 10 year one, we filled that one out). Of course, I had no clothes on, not expecting a peeping tom to be looking out of the woods in the first place. He first announced the effect on Congressional districts based on the Population shifts from the Northeast to the South and Southwest. As a result of widespread concern and perhaps out of frustration with the survey, several websites have been set up to provide public forums for recipients of the ACS. Currently, Oscar is a 7-year-old boy with ODD whose refusal behaviors have begun to be both verbally aggressive and physically violent. I grabbed the handle and slammed the door shut. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct., The power to make laws concerning the Census is restricted to the actual enumeration.. 5) Arrest criminals from Acorn and stop our tax dollars from funding Acorn and other criminal organizations like them. If you believe you are being unduly harassed by a Census Bureau employee, either by telephone or in person, it is in your best interestto carefully document the time, place and manner of the incidents and file a complaint with the U.S. Census Bureau. Unlike the traditional census, which is limited to a simple head count every ten years for the purpose of establishing representation in Congress, the ACS is sent on an ongoing basis to about 3 million homes every year at a reported cost of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.[2]. Table from ACS 1-Year Estimates Data Profiles, released by American Community Survey. He used to work for the gas company and has been in my house to light my pilot lights. You send it in it could become public information. ACS is relatively new, it has merely replaced the "long form," as it was known, of the decennial census, which has been around for a very long time, and asked similar questions. Outraged in Maryland. They left me a message to call them back and referred me to a case number. How Banks Can Serve Customers with Language Barriers ACS has only been going since 2005. Amazing. I returned the question booklet as instructed. The letter accompanying the census form indicates it's used to decide how many representatives each state has in congress, and how much money my 'neighborhood' receives from the government. American Community Survey (ACS) 2022-2025 -- Census invites comments to [15] The ACS questionnaire also demands that persons divulge how many automobiles they own[16] and whether you have trouble getting up the stairs. The next day I got an e-mail saying that the "government guy" was OK with it and that I should return the form. DP03 SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS. However, I am sure I will get another one. Read the Constitution. I plead the 5th amendment because the government can ask legally, according to the attorneys office, but I can also remain silent legally. True Nazism at its finest. Outrageous! We have been approached numerous times on our property, been left threatening letters and messages on our answering machine, and there seems to be no end to it. You may have noticed over the past week on the news, many articles about the new situation in American families where the wife is now the major bread winner/wage earner. Thanks, people, for your informative and oftentimes humorous posts here. First survey last month. While there is no specific wording in the Bill of Rights regarding the rights of privacy. See Clemons v. U.S. Dep't of Commerce, 710 F. Supp. How am I supposed to know who these people are? If you waiver or hide, they will keep trying. The Census Bureau can't issue a fine, they have to refer the case to the Dept. ", Where did this information come from and why is it on the news?
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