One of the most distinctive features of the Border Collie is their long nose, which can be up to Are Border Collies One-person Dogs? But when you put in the effort, they can be the best dogs you will ever own. Then there are dogs like border collies that need lots of exercise and stimulation. 17 Reasons Why Getting a Dog for your Teen is a Great Idea! In short, no, Border Collies are not well pre-disposed for being a guard dog. This is when problems might arise when they dont get the stimulation they need. Border Collies can also have a genetic eye disease called Collie eye anomaly, whichcan lead to vision problems or blindness. These dogs have thick necks that give them extra stability when chasing or retrieving objects. I fell in love with them. Border Collies were a popular breed as they proved very effective due to their high energy levels and intelligence making them very fast, agile and able to follow commands. It is not recommended that you leave a border collie alone for more than 4 hours. Let's explore if Border Collies are one-person dogs and are they loyal? ie in the first 8 weeks? Generally, these dogs are very obedient, and they need their owners command and acknowledgment most of the time. This is because they are such an intelligent dog breed that they need to keep their minds focused on a task or else it will lead to undesirable, often destructive behaviors. Border collies have been bred for purely working and herding purposes. How Much Exercise Does a Border Collie Need. They are extremely clever, can easily figure out how to open a door and when it comes to training, they are an absolute joy. You can take tests like this one to help you make a better decision. Border Collies must begin training as soon as possible because they may become destructiveif not given enoughmental stimulation. Collies are constantly on the go and need an owner who can keep up with them! They are full of energy and do wonders as athletic and acrobatic dogs. While this dog breed tends to herd anything that moves, they are not likely to ever do so with malicious intent. Border Questions to ask your Border Collie breeder before your visit. They are intelligent, friendly, and active, but they also During the weekend I would do many activities with her, just the week is a bit tight. The Border collie is loyal and can be good with children. Read more about me on the about page, or check out the categories below. Like with everything, there are some pros and cons, which we will list for you. They would prefer to sleep indoors and be close to their humans overnight. hidden. No, if you are a first-time owner, you will have a challenging time training your border collie. You will often see them in dog competitions, agility courses, and sheepdog trials. Pets provide a number of benefits to any household such as improving their familys overall fitness, lowering stress levels and helping to provide company that can combat loneliness and improves general mental well-being. Is Border collie ok with us ? Their sensitivity also requires specific attention to socializing them when they are young. Most herding dogs, like those mentioned above, will sometimes nip at a persons feet or heels. But is getting a Border Collie a good idea for a first-time dog owner? A Border Collie may be suitable for you if: A Border Collie may not be suitable for you if: Border Collies make amazing pets. 5 Reasons For And Against! But my nephew has one and when i visit him she just comes and sits next to me. Therefore first time Border Collie owners with at least daily access to a good space shouldnt worry too much about amending their current living conditions. Border collies can be great for first-time owners who have a lot of time to devote to their dog! WE have a good-sized backyard and are doing all the research possible to be prepared. Therefore, over time, breeders have developed a warm, insulating coat to rival the fleeces of the sheep the breed is known for rounding up. They are widely popular as a working dog and are frequently used by farmers, shepherds and ranchers. Since they are herding dogs, border collies are full of energy. Are you ready for many walks a day (Or a good amount of time spent playing the backyard)? At Muddy Noses you'll find articles covering care, training, exercise, puppies, first time owners and breed information. There are still millions of working Border Collies to be seen internationally. If youre looking to get into agility training or just want a reliable and intelligent dog that will Its crucial, especially for a first-time owner, to research positive training techniques and consider investing in training classes. They are intelligent, friendly, and active, but they also require a lot of attention and training. You need to develop good bondage with your furry friend and healthy chemistry to know his expectations from you. Border collies require a little more care and involvement than other dog breeds. It is recommended by the American Border Collie Association that if you do decide to take on the care of a border collie, you have to commit to daily exercise and mental stimulation. Owning a border collie is not easy. Border Collies are best for people with large yards, or lots of property where they can run freely and explore. If you are looking for an active canine companion with a caring and friendly personality to join you on your hiking adventure or a game of frisbee on the beach, a Border Collie will definitely fit the bill and bring you years of joy and unconditional love. If you take your dog on an extra muddy adventure, you can up the frequency (you dont want mud tracks all over your house! Growing up exploring the English countryside with his canine companion, he now has a family of his own and enjoys watching his children interact with animals - including Border Collies. Border Collies are intelligent, energetic dogs with a strong work ethic, so they are not usually recommended for first-time dog owners. Collies are prone to suffering separation anxiety and can become distressed if left alone for long periods. When Border Collie puppy starts to go potty, praise it for doing its business. Well collies need at least 2 hours of off leash exercise every single day come rain or shine! Border Collies will undoubtedly form a close bond with their owner, and while this is special and so rewarding, a first-time owner needs to know that this may cause them to be intolerant of being away from you. Collies are high maintenance dogs. Are you ready to have a dog that is always ready to work? Copyright 2023 | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme, Border Collie spending their time outside. Making sure you choose the right breed of dog for your lifestyle is important. WebAre Border Collies good for first-time dog owners? They Are Extremely Smart Dogs We cannot talk about the Border Collie without talking about his intelligence. Thats because they are incredibly smart, easy to train, and among the most beautiful of dog breeds out there. Can Border Collies live in apartments? They can get this from learning new commands, tricks, or other working tasks. Will they be okay indoors? It is also a good habit to regularly check your dogs ears. This doesnt mean its Read more about this in the How To Prevent Separation Anxiety in Collies. Collie It says that you are willing to put in the time it takes to be a good dog owner. The truth of the matter is, ANY dog can bite. Poodles. Unfortunately, because theyre so focused on their people, Border Collies are another dog breed that might be at a higher risk of developing separation anxiety, says Burch. But their incredible intelligence is also what makes playing with the Borden Collie so enjoyable. Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! The athletic abilities of the Border Collie make it excellent for herding or hunting purposes. Here is a list of jobs that other owners have given their Border Collies. They are perfect for herding dogs. What if you bring them inside? The shepherds who use these dogs will find them to be excellent helpers in their work. For new dog owners it may be a shock to learn just how much of a commitment a dog requires as you are responsible for their health, happiness and general wellbeing. It is also used to study and better understand you, in an attempt to anticipate your next move. Are Border Collies Good for First-time Dog Owners? The Truth! Doberman Pinscher dogs are good for novice owners, due to their easy-going personality. Some people love being challenged as it leads to in-depth learning. This breed has not earned the name of perhaps the most intelligent dog for no reason! But a Border Collie definitely needs a certain amount of space. DO I REALLY WANT A BORDER COLLIE? It will take patience and obedience training to get them under control which first-time owners typically do not have enough experience of. They need to be regularly exposed to new places, etc. They were first developed to be a working dog made for herding sheep and other livestock on farms. You can train this out of them with proper socialization and obedience training. link to Why Do Border Collies Have Long Noses? My collie is one of the most affectionate, caring, and friendly dogs I have ever seen. That can also mean theyre strong-willed. With proper training, exercise, and care, border collies can be the best dog you will ever own. Because of this, Border Collies are not suited for first-time owners who have allergies or are not used to or prepared for grooming and brushing the large dog. ), Samoyed Dog Breed Guide (Quick Links and Information), Require at least 2 hours a day of exercise, fetch things (newspaper, slippers, people), You are a highly active person who loves to exercise with your dog, You have a lot time to invest in learning how to train and care for your dog, You can be creative in coming up with jobs for your dog, You have a desire to teach your dog a lot of cool thing. And not just her. After being bred exclusively to herd for centuries, they are also hard workers who never clock off which can be a problem. They can also become sensitive about their food possibly becoming very picky eaters (link to an article I wrote about how picky Border Collies are). Unless you really do have several spare hours each day and are willing to invest this time into walking, training and grooming then a rough collie is not a good first dog. Female border collies are usually interested in learning and eager to receive commands from their owner. Crate training them, playing music while you are gone, and getting another dog are three great ways to help alleviate their stress while you are not at home. Contact. WebThe Border Collie Shiba Inu Mix is a smart and high-energy dog that isnt a good choice for first-time dog owners. If your dog keeps pooping in the house, they may have a health issue, or something might have changed in their routine, diet, or home environment thats causing the accidents. People love the cheerful nature of this breed that makes it suitable for both work purposes and companionship in everyday life. border collies are good candidates for first-time owners. Questions to Ask when Buying a Border Collie Puppy My brother has taught his Border Collie to find and retrieve antler sheds! If you have any questions, please let me know. There is no escaping, Border Collies can be considered high-maintenance dogs (lets be honest, most of us are high maintenance too!). link to Are Border Collies One-person Dogs? Their coats require substantial time and effort and mud easily gets stuck to their long fur which can become matted if not groomed regularly. The most common issue is hip dysplasia, which can lead to arthritis. This site is owned and operated by G and H trading LLC, headquarters in Wheatley road Kent ct126ad. WebYes, Border Collies can be great first-time dog owners. But many owners also say that their Border Collie still has a great quality of life in a flat with a nearby park. These dogs are intelligent, trainable and have many good attributes as a family pet. Highly intelligent and highly trainable, the affectionate and energetic Border Collie almost always comes out on top However, if you are an outdoorsy individual who regularly goes hiking, camping, running or even cycling then a collie could be your perfect first dog. Not all Border Collies bark a lot and you can train them not to bark, but it does take some time and effort. But even without that instinct to herd, Border Collies may also nip just because theyre bored, playing, afraid, trying to dominate, or just for your attention. Where Do Border Collies Come From? Is A Collie A Good First Dog? (For A New Dog Owner) WebAre Border Collies good for first-time dog owners? There are two types of collie: smooth and rough-coated. 4 worst choice for first-time dog owners would likely agree. These vet trips will be costly so you will want to invest in some good insurance for your collie to help cover the costs. Read our Guide to Exercising With Your Collie for some fun ideas how you and your collie can exercise together! if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'trainingbuster_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',162,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'trainingbuster_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_16',162,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-162{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}But many of the same hazards associated with your Border Collie spending their time outside can be observed indoors, too. If you lead a very active lifestyle that you can incorporate your Border Collie into then this may not be a problem for you. 2. You will need to spend a lot of time reading about border collies and observing them in order to know their psychological, behavioral, and physiological needs. A border collie will stare as a way to communicate with you. Were also going to look at some of the training and exercise requirements for collies and think about what that means for a new dog owner. Collies are highly intelligent and love to learn new commands and tricks. Border Collie-Dachshund mix combines the best of their parent With proper training by an experienced owner, they can make a good family pet. Although there are always exceptions to this rule, Border Collies, in general, do not like to cuddle. The amount of training Border Collies need can be overwhelming for a new dog owner. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The Border Collie has large ears that sit flat against the dogs head. Unless you get a rescue dog that was already trained (housebroken for example), you might reconsider getting a Border Collie. I also have a medium big backyard but behind my house there are terribly huge fields. Border Collie Not only is this proven by massive numbers of Border Collies in show business, but a British Columbia neuropsychologist named Stanley Coren did research and wrote a book called The Intelligence of Dogs He uses trainability and execution of commands to measure intelligence and as many predicted Border Collies came out on top as the most intelligent! Its more work than you think, even for older collies! Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. They are intelligent, friendly, and active, but they also require a lot of attention and training. This dog is high maintenance it needs training, stimulation and plenty of exercise. While 1.5 to 2 cups of high-quality dog The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. But with a lack of training, exercise, and care, they could be some of the worst dogs you will ever own. Before making any diagnosis, starting a treatment plan, or otherwise changing your pets diet or habits, you should always consult a professional veterinarian. Owners generally want to maintain a healthy and proper weight for their Border Collie in the range of 30 to 50 pounds. 1. Being a first-time dog owner can be both exciting and daunting, and what makes an ideal breed for a first-time owner depends on various factors. Border Collies are an extremely intelligent breed requiring both frequent physical exercise and mental stimulation. The more time you spend with your border collie, the stronger your relationship will become. Instead, the Border Collie is actually a mix of a Roman herding breed and a Viking Spitz-variety herding breed. Are border collies good to have for someone who hasnt So in some ways, a Border Collie is perfect for a first-time owner, as long as they are prepared to be highly active every day. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'trainingbuster_com-box-4','ezslot_3',138,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'trainingbuster_com-box-4','ezslot_4',138,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-box-4-0_1');.box-4-multi-138{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}It is possible for a Border Collie to have both a smooth or a rough variety of coats. 2021. Theyre not natural couch potatoes! Are border Collies good for a first time dog owner? : dogs - reddit Border Collies usually prefer to bond to one person. However, this is not always the case. Border collies can be great for first-time owners who have a lot of time to devote to their dog! They are highly sensitive and intelligent breeds. If your Border Collie doesnt get enough exercise they can turn to destructive behaviors as well as whine cry and bark a lot! Are Border Collies Good for First-time Dog Owners? Just coincidentally came across your site and Im glad I did! A: Border Collies are suitable for experienced owners. Ok, picture hiking with your collienow picture your collie dropping their ball down the side of the hill and rampaging after it, tripping over rough terrain and straining or worse, breaking a leg. Thank you for taking the time to read this article; I hope it has been useful to you! WebOwning a border collie is not easy. Border Collies for First-Time Dog Owners (Read This First!) Dogs, in particular, are one of the most popular first animals to keep as they are great companions for people of all ages plus they have a variety of other benefits too. 8 Potential Methods, How Do Cats Show Affection? However, Border Collies are so intelligent that training may be more difficult. Lets exclude the possibility that they will spend days being couch potatoes. Can Border Collies Live In Apartments? This is because they are extremely intelligent dogs, who will quickly learn what is expected of them. But Im willing to make it. A Border Collie will always seek to test boundaries. Check out our Mental Stimulation Ideas For Collies article for some top tips. Contact, How To Prevent Separation Anxiety in Collies, Can collies be left alone? They will be loyal loving companions always at your side, but when it comes to sleeping and resting they generally prefer their own space. Border collies are full of energy and need much more daily exercise than most other dog breeds. A Border Collie will not wander off as far as other breeds like a Terrier or Hound, but they can still easily jump out and even nip at passers-by, in an attempt to herd them. Are you ready for daily training (Or at least multiple times a week)? Search our database of over 12348 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. This breed is extremely driven, loyal, and hard-working. Border collies are working canines and therefore need to be given a job every day; otherwise, they may turn to more destructive forms of entertainment. These behaviors generally develop because a collies needs are not being met and can reduce the quality of your collies life. But many forget that they also love cuddling and bonding with their owners, making them the best of both worlds! Border Collies although easy to train are very high-energy and need a lot of mental stimulation. What is this? But at certain times of the year, like the start of spring and summer, a Border Collie will start to shed heavily. But i want my dog smart, independed and easy to train. So the border collie will be my first dog but my wife had a huge sheep dog when she was young. Border Collie anxiety manifests itself in several ways. Are Border Collies Good Guard Dogs (myth Busting!) When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. This will be shown as excessive barking, chewing on things, trying to show dominance, and having a lot of neurotic undesirable behaviors that will be hard to correct. It takes real dedication to live with a GSD, as the breed requires a substantial amount of mental and physical stimulation. Order on Audible US or UK. They function best in homes that can provide them with the daily energy release they need. In a nutshell, yes, Border Collies can live in apartments. Border Collie Hair Care (Complete Grooming Guide!). If you have a small apartment and dont go out much, then probably not. A lot of this does depend in the personality of the dog as well though. Collies need to keep their minds busy and occupied or else they will find other (often destructive) ways to entertain themselves. Border Collies are intelligent and trainable. I dug in a little further and here is what I found out. Welcome to Howling & Growling, my blog about all things collies. If aggressive behavior is displayed, it is likely that something else is up like an undiagnosed health condition or issue. This is because it is in their nature as a herding breed to bark commands to the livestock and bark to get attention from their owners. The first step is to rule out a medical reason, which involves making an appointment to see your veterinarian. WebAre Border Collies Good for First-Time Owners? We still have one extra big room we dont use. If not, then you may want to consider another, easier breed at first. Some people have a crate setup in the house for their Border Collies to sleep in and they never need to shut the doors as their Border Collies choose to sleep in there. Are Border Collies Good Family Dogs? (For a House or Apartment) I found a breeder and Im thinking of getting a border collie. They need hours each day just dedicated to them and nothing else. If your Border Collie pup tends to bark when left alone, try leaving the radio on for company. The shedding can be managed by biweekly brushing and regular grooming. Instead, you will need to indulge them in an interesting activity that will consume their body and mind. This is a problem that first time dog owners wont appreciate when they are trying to get to grips with all the other responsibility and commitments of owning a new dog. I have studied the traits and behavior of border collies to learn how they expect their owners to behave. My border collie mix (BC and red heeler) is very chill. Well, the biggest reason. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. It depends on their personality but it sounds like you should be fine if you have a big yard and are willing to take her out daily. Medical Disclaimer:All content included on, such as text, images, graphics, or other material is for informational purposes only, and should not be considered a substitute for proper medical advice. But since the breed is so intelligent, dont be surprised if your Border Collie teaches themselves to unlock the gate or climb over the fence. This is because they often do not realize the amount of work needed in taking care of this breed. Collies have an ability to focus (almost neurotically) on the one thing. Border collies are sporting herding dogs and they will not hesitate to chase and herd anything that got lose sleds, cows, sheep, golf carts it doesnt matter if you live in the country or not.
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