Sir Percival Phillips, K.B.E. Voice to force acceptance of massive land grabs by Aborigines and for compulsory rental payments by land owners objectnow! In January, Ms Teffaha said the Family Court had "many corruption issues", which prompted a condemnation from the Australian Bar Association and the Law Council. I educate professionals and the general community on vaccination decisions in Australia. 3 free lookups per month. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. matter is being made worse by a belief that asymptomatic people should be tested, which produces many false positive test results, more panic and more money for those doing the testing. time in jail. The illegal fiction the crown made from your birth name. Required fields are marked *. GG, He was probably trained by Bob Hawke in how to accumulate wealth without any visible signs of effort.Ed. The organisation has been formed to facilitate dialogue with the Department of Health and TGA, examining the facts, with a view to ensuring proper science and accountability are returned to this critical matter of vaccine safety. In footage from the meeting in Vienna Friday, FPO General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz brings a glass of Coca Cola to the podium, from which he proceeds to collect [],, Please check doctors on brandnewtube. We are proud of our honesty and transparency and I will not apologise to anyone for speaking my mind and calling out bullshit when I see it. '. My father died on the 21st of july and l was not allowed to visit him because l did not recieve the flu vax. She said her previous activism included advocating for survivors of child sexual abuse and family violence, government transparency and whistleblowers. 'Voice' to force acceptance of massive land grabs by Aborigines and for compulsory rental payments by land owners - object now! ($502,573) for a proposed class action promoting unproven Covid-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing, and face masks." The implication is that Teffaha is somehow dishonest by amassing a . Comments. Serene Teffaha has put out an impassioned message to Australians to say no to coerced and illegal COVID testing. Facebook Watch video from TheInformer: 17K views, 259 likes, 113 loves, 134 comments, 400. It would be very handy if Advocate Me could issue to the public, a legal form giving the facts, so we can present it to who-ever is bullying or coercing. So please join our Class Action and be weary of those that ask you for money without delivering any service.. I will bring my extensive experience in practicing in a variety of areas of Law, to People for Safe Vaccines. Thanks Rob for continuing to support such an outstanding Australian. But in a move that has angered many across the nation, the Victorian Legal Services Board (VLSB . VLSB+C confirms that, from 15 April 2021, lawyer Serene Teffaha no longer has a practising certificate and cannot engage in legal practice. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I am extremely passionate about socialjustice and havespecialist knowledge in, I educate professionals and the general community on vaccination decisions in Australia. AGREE . Im not symptomatic. Ms Teffaha told the court she had been subjected to a "witch hunt" by the VLSB, saying none of her clients had complained about her and none of the allegations against her related to misconduct. She broke down in tears as she described "really serious threats" she had recently received. I want to know why Serene was deregistered. Dont support ANTIFA! 14:28 Gag laws18:14 OutroWe hope you enjoyed this video. O.M.G. It is just an outrage. Also driving the testing frenzy is health departments and the CSIRO finding COVID-19 in sewerage systems which in fact is unable to infect people. Former solicitor Serene Teffaha, who filed a class action lawsuit over the mandatory lockdown of nine public housing towers in Melbourne, had her licence cancelled by the Victorian Legal Services Board in April after the fundraising. Similar Profiles. 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In relation to an appeal from one court to another, the lower court is the court whose decision is being reviewed, which may be the original trial court or appellate court lower in rank than the superior court which is hearing the appeal.Check out the parts of this video. . Introduction by Dee McLachlan: This is Graeme Bell's reply to the video made by Solicitor Serene Teffaha regarding moves to have her struck off the roll of solicitors. Your email address will not be published. Ms Teffaha said she intended to contest the action from the Victorian Legal Services Board. Serene Teffaha is the principal Lawyer of Advocate Me and has over 8 years experience in challenging Governments, specialising in Whistleblower protections, Human Rights & Public Law and Administration. MELBOURNE, Australia A lawyer collected more than AUD 650,000 ($502,573) for a proposed class action promoting unproven Covid-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing, and face masks. NO TESTING > NO VACCINATION ! Lawyer Serene Teffaha, who has been leading the charge against the Covid scamdemic violations of Australians basic human rights. Far fewer know their real story, The messy family drama behind one of the world's biggest K-pop empires, Max Verstappen takes Bahrain F1 pole, Aussie Oscar Piastri ousted in first Q1, Motocross rider dies after falling from bike at Victoria's Wonthaggi Motocross Track, 15 people rescued from Central Victorian mine after fire. Immoral Family Courts System In Australia By Serene Teffaha - YouTube NSW Premier Perrottet admits again mRNA jabs do not prevent virustransmission, Ex-CIA adviser says Ukraine losing badly in war againstRussia, Russian missile hits strategic 80-metre-deep NATObunker. Change). Serene Teffaha has accused the Victorian Legal Services Board of running a "witch hunt" She refused to hand over client information to a lawyer appointed to take over her firm's work after her licence was cancelled The Supreme Court ordered she hand over the financial details of her firm and details of any cases requiring urgent action I am extremely passionate about socialjustice and havespecialist knowledge in AdvocateMe is seeking to commence a complaint against their policy of restrict practitioners communication and discussion of vaccine safety and efficacy risks. Last year she blasted OCD hypochondriac bosses including police, doctors, hospital staff and others who have been acting unlawfully by demanding that people get a COVID test in order to work, attend some place or receive a service, when lawfully, any medical procedure requires informed consent. Fear causing division between Australian citizens. Up to $40,000 was in another firm account for "donations", she said. Sign up for a free account. Her group has also established People for Safe Vaccines as a research, campaign and educational platform. It became apparent during the hearing the VLSB have an agenda for Ms Teffaha presented in Mr Scotters defence upon which Ms Teffaha on many occasions counter attacking credibility of the VLSB brief. "The clients of the law practice have no-one who is capable of looking after their interests.". Serene has got to be worth more to Australia than all of the Federal, State and Local politicians and ADF Generals combined., How about you telling them direct better coming from you than playing third party . Solicitor Serene Teffaha has been fighting against the government's removal of civil liberties under the guise of COVID for some time, recently filing a class action lawsuit against Melbourne's controversial public housing lockdown in an effort to stand up for the rights of more than 3,000 tenants.. MELBOURNE, Australia A lawyer collected more than AUD 650,000 ($502,573) for a proposed class action promoting unproven Covid-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing, and face masks. If you play by their rules you lose.Ed, Email the corrupt Attorney General in Victoria and tell her the world is watching them crucify an honest, caring woman who does a lot of legal work for socially disadvantaged clients for free. I am able to provide extensive support and research to People for Safe Vaccines, with a view to ensuring a balanced perspective, informed through a Masters of Education and Bachelor of Biological Science, with Behavioural Neuroscience and Microbiology majors. The federal and state governments have not made coronavirus vaccines mandatory. Australian National Review is Australias first real free and independent press, one with no editorial control by the elite, but a publication that can generate critical thinkers and critical debate and hold those spreading mistruths and deliberate propaganda in mainstream media to account.News with a difference that will be educational, compelling and create a platform for political and social change in this country and address the real issues facing this country and the world. Serene Teffaha - Principal - Advocate Me | ZoomInfo August 4, 2020 at 8:21 pm. (LogOut/ Victoria Lawyer Serene Teffaha Is Looking For An Expert Witness For Serene is very good but she has a lot to learn about these Treasonous Political Party, Australian Courts created under the Treasonous changing of the Constitutional Definitions, in 1973 without a Referendum. Opinion pieces don't necessarily reflect the position of our news site but of our Opinion writers. 7:06 Is the corruption happening in the magistrates and the country courts or the family courts? Join the dots as to who lives on Sydney Harbour in multimillion dollar mansions? AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time),, These engineers break their silenceafterdecade of criticism over2011 Queensland flood handling, Police shoot man dead after being called to reported domestic violence incident in Sydney's south west, Anna called police to report an assault, but it backfired and she lost her home. Are those that take the jab, advised by the provider that any adverse effects cannot be claimed against the manufacturer?? I am passionate about the law and achieving excellent outcomes for my clients and the community. free lookups / month. Click the picture to download the disgusting story that is far from a first time event, there are many, many more prosecuted by the private law firm of the then NSW-RSPCA president and a fellow director, Shoot your idiot box, smash your phone and you might just survive the Covidscam, Western Australia authorises military to give killerjab , Sydney gays terrified as Catholic men march on streets, Thousands of vaxxed Canadian children dying suddenly as MSM looks away, Aussie doctor blows whistle on entire Covid scamdemic at Covid Medical Network seminar. Our Story | Advocate Me They can be cheeky, nippy, and playful but these camels are also helping put a business on the map, Sherpa are world famous for their work, which is synonymous with their name. Needless to say, it is not likely to arouse any fear in me ever! That Bob Hawke comment is Gold!!! You have the right to say no, says Teffaha, offering verbal responses. Is there more info ? Were working to restore it. Its a test, then a vaccine. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. The State of Victoria, Police Commissioner Shane Patton, Deputy Chief Health Officer Annaliese van Diemen and Deputy Public Health Commander Finn Romanes are named as defendants in the class action. Graeme explains how the court committed to trial a person who had custody of a child who alleged abuse. I am currently writing a workshop series called 'Pathways to Conscious Health' and am the author of 'The Wounding of Health Care - From Fragmentation to Integration. This is bullshit, she says no firmly. *: It may be observed that a legislature wishing to enact a statute ordering that all, blue-eyed babies be killed would hardly be perturbed by a principle of law which purported to, *KIRBY J. In an extremely brave move at such a critical time, one courageous cop has reached out to the NSW Police Commissioner in an open letter, asking the police not to simply acquiesce to arbitrary government demands and to act in the best interest of its population, not tyranny of government, Serene noted. Learn more at Website: Subscribe to our channel: today's video, Serene Teffaha shares with us her experience of corruption in the lower courts and family courts within Australia and the difference comes in what she sees wrong with the judiciary in the lower courts as compared to high courts.Family courts handle a variety of matters relating to the family, including juvenile matters, child abuse, custody, visitation, child support, and sometimes probate. I have 15 years experienceas a practicing Lawyer in both private and public sectors. Pls let me know your views. And His glory from the rising of the sun; I grew up in Sydneys Sutherland Shire having migrated from Iran in 1992, escaping the destruction of the Gulf War. Body language with discussion revealed Judge Hampel and Mr Scotter are known to each other while on several occasions judge Hampel had difficulty remembering Serenes name. Serene Teffaha has put out an impassioned message to Australians to say no to coerced and illegal COVID testing. Serene Teffaha was also behind a class action filed on behalf of Melbourne public housing tower residents subject to a hard lockdown last year. Ms Teffaha in a video that appears on the Advocate Me website. Up to 5 In Queensland the Political Parties put Magistrate Diane Singleton in jail, for crossing the Line. Lets hope that this leads to something concrete happening. Ms Teffaha says irrespective of the corruption in the judiciary AdvocateMe will use legal processes as merely one tool in a toolbox. Teffaha warns that government health bureaucracy is out of control and will use public ignorance of their right to say no to tests to push illegal mandatory vaccination. Ms Teffaha told the court $654,000 in legal fees was frozen in a trust account, which she intended to refund to clients. Felicity Hempel of course is the inamorata of the insufferable legal showoff, Julian Burnside. Having trained in conventional Western Medicine, my interests also led me to study a number of other healing disciplines aside from allopathic medicine. Sign uphere. (business & personal). Court documents filed by Ms Teffaha name two prominent Victorian Health Department officials Annaliese Van Diemen and Finn Romanes as well as Police Commissioner Shane Patton and the state as defendants. Thank you for being so on the ball! Ms Teffaha has vowed to fight the decision. AdvocateMe is targeting individuals impacted by the COVID-19 vaccination mandates and/or directives, including mandates in Queensland for hospital related employees, workers and contractors, mandates in NSW on transport workers in airports, and imminent impacts on aged care workers and nurses as a result of the announcement of the mandating of vaccines in aged care setting by the Commonwealth. Interestingly, the case has received predictably biased coverage worldwide. I have 15 years experienceas a practicing Lawyer in both private and public sectors. Have sent you an email direct you need to read, Great story have published on CN .Thank you, dont think its ritualistic that they want to inject products derived from aborted male cells in you by a company known to be thugs and have what ironically is an occultist name AstraZeneca the sacrifice of the stars- Serene Teffaha, Coca Cola Tests COVID-19 Positive In Austrian Parliament Members are seeking damages for false imprisonment, battery, assault, negligence, aggravated and exemplary damages and costs, as well as declarations that the state government and police actions were unlawful. Posted on August 10, 2021, in General and tagged class action, employers, Lockdowns, Serene Teffaha, vaccines. but in the eighties apparently drugs and guns was big business in Australia in particular through WA. ATO whistleblower in court: 'they sabotaged my complaints' I also do webinars on informed consent and the use of multiple vaccines in coercive government policies. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for SERENE TEFFAHA of KEILOR PARK, VICTORIA. The report in The Tribune further lies about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, claiming they are unproven and neither are recommended to treat Covid-19. Serene Teffaha's Disbarment Is Beaut; Now We Can Disbar the Bar (LogOut/ by GreatGameIndia, An Austrian parliamentary member exposed the defectiveness of the governments COVID-19 tests by demonstrating in the parliament how a glass of Coca Cola tested positive for COVID-19. Two related court cases are already underway. Again, all this is ignored and violated by the COVID coup. But the feisty Serene-in-name-only said in a briefing on YouTube losing her licence would not affect the class actions against the COVID lockdown tyranny. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A most welcome development! crew February 4, 2021 All, Arrest & Fines, Blogs, Lawyers, Mandates & Law, People, Petitions, Uncategorized, Vaccination. Here's how likely you are to get it more than once, Charting the COVID-19 spread: Australia passes 10,000 coronavirus deaths, Man discovers two highly venomous species battling in his shed, Tens of thousands of pigs and buffalo pegged for mass culls in Kakadu, in bid to curb feral animals. Our present editorial panel of 1 is overworked and AI just made 4 typos in this reply I had to correct. Once your details have been submitted we will contact you., Serene Teffaha is the principal Lawyer of Advocate Me and has over 8 years experience in challenging Governments, specialising in Whistleblower protections, Human Rights & Public Law and Administration. We have to make tough decisions and take our children out of schools and our elderly members out of aged care homes. The lawyer and her Preston law firm, Advocate Me, had been seeking clients for a class action that includes people affected by any form of detention, mandatory vaccination, business closures, residential aged care isolation, cross-border rules, contact tracing, compulsory testing and various other measures. How the wellness and influencer crowd serve conspiracies to the masses Ms Teffaha in a video that appears on the Advocate Me website.Credit:Advocate Me. "These people have been assaulted by police. Although shaken by the experience, Serene still refuses to hand her client data over and is appealing the cancellation of her licence. I cant get her out, and they ban me, wen its the nurses that have a ganging up culture. I have been expecting the current affairs to take effect for 5 6 years. But the zombie apocalypse is visible now and there are many within our own families who have become zombies. The State of Victoria, Police Commissioner Shane Patton, Deputy Chief Health Officer Annaliese van Diemen and Deputy Public Health Commander Finn Romanes are named as defendants. Attracting 150 plus people joining online caused an IT overload delaying proceedings before Judge Felicity Hampel. Due to the large number of people engaged in these actions, the only form of contact will be via submitting our forms. Was he telling the truth? Posted on May 1, 2021, in General. I want to stay on top of this, Close to the money Bon we have much info about this.Ed. I totally agree with your support of Serene Teffafa though I strongly disagree with your position that China is Marxist. I do not want to be tested. No credit card required. Isaiah 59:19-21 So shall they fear She needs to stop trying to take the fight on in their system and join the thousands of people who are standing in Common Law: Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination Mr Hassan said he had no concerns about the litigation proceeding. THE RED DRAGON and THE BLACK SHIRTS And an innovator, which is her strong suit anyway. Why is this article undated? They giv the excuse, incapacitated decision making. I will leave no stone unturned to ensure justice is achieved. But this person is charged with abduction. Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination, German-US legal team about to launch COVID-19 lawsuits to expose Gates-Rockefeller plandemic blogfactory,, Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination | Cairns News | Wirral In It Together, Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination Cairns News Life, Death and all between. United against Evil, standing up for what is Right, Moral & Just. Get contact details including emails and phone numbers We are also spearheading a number of actions to protect whistle-blowers including police officers and health professionals. Watchdog cancels licence of lawyer leading tower lockdown lawsuit - The Age Antifa is Communism.
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