1 Where to kayak in Florida without alligators? (Kayak Drowning Possibilities), List Of Top Kayak Swimwear Brands Of USA; What To Wear When Kayaking, The Santa Fe River is a tributary of the Suwannee River and is approximately 78 miles (126 kilometers) long and has a watershed of approximately 1,380 square miles, Weeki Wachee Spring is a natural spring located in Weeki Wachee, Florida and it is a popular destination for swimming, kayaking, and other water activities. This being said, Florida and Louisiana are the only states where you'll find alligators throughout the entire state. Yes, there are alligators in Big Bend State Park. Certain springs around the state consistently attract large numbers of manatees, and the winter is really the best time to see manatees in Florida. Make sure you know your abilities and limitations. Rainbow Springs State Park. The area is 105 miles long, and you will find plenty of diverse wildlife to observe. Located in the Ocala National Forest, you'll find that this hidden gem is less crowded than some of the other kayak spots around Orlando. Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program | FWC - Florida Fish And Wildlife Nature . KayaksPoint is a blog about kayaking, canoeing and various activities based on kayaks like fishing, adventures, trips, destinations, kayak gears, boats, and your go-to resources! South Florida also has some excellent kayaking trails that contain completely different flora, fauna, and wildlife. He loves using kayaks while out on outings on the water or camping when the friends want to have a BBQ party somewhere on the bank of a local lake. In the extreme circumstance that a large alligator lunges at or bites your boat, rap the alligator on its snout with your paddle and quickly paddle away. Don't poke it with your paddle. 111 Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel, FL 33957 - Handicapped Parking Only. Throwing rocks, casting too close to a group . Manage Settings The Lake Kissimmee State Park is also a place that should be avoided due to its large population of alligators. With its crystal-clear water and shady banks, the river is a great place to spend a relaxing day on the water. Yes, there are scorpions in Big Bend National Park. Located in Dunnellon, this river is 5.7 miles long. >> we were kayaking and a gator almost flipped us over. Always check the weather forecast before heading out on the water. Alligators in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Arkansas all seem to be found in the southern regions of the state. Where to kayak in Florida without alligators? The waters of the swimming area are crystal blue, and there are a variety of shallow shores and mellow oxbow lakes that you can explore nearif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'funoutdoorventures_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-funoutdoorventures_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Rainbow Springs. The Loxahatchee River is a great place to kayak, and enjoys the stunning scenery. Do You Need a License to Kayak In Minnesota? There are numerous places along the way that a kayaker could pull over for a quick swim in the various swimming holes and spring vents of varying depths. Be aware of your surroundings: Alligators are opportunistic predators and can be very dangerous if they feel threatened. Whether youre a Florida native or just visiting, theres no doubt that kayaking is a great way to explore the state. The paddling track has sand bars where you can stop and rest or even picnic if you feel like it. Be sure to heed these warnings and avoid paddling in areas where alligators are known to be present. Alligators are attracted to small animals and may see them as prey. You will find everything from calm waters for beginners to rapids for experts. In order to help you, the following are the 12 best places to kayak in Florida without Alligators. 7 Places To Kayak In Florida Without Alligators - Fun Outdoor Ventures That sounds like a fun activity, kayaking in the evening and then camping at night with your friends. But if youre looking for a kayaking adventure without alligators, you may be wondering where to go. I love to share my passion and knowledge with all of you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more about some of the popular and safe places to Kayak in Florida without sharks and alligators. Eight major crystal-clear springs join the Ichetucknee River. Big Bend Saltwater Paddling Trail is a sea kayakers dream. However once your safety concerns have been addressed its only a matter enjoying one paddle away from paradise in The Sunshine State!. What Part Of Florida Has No Alligators? - CLJ - Community Literacy Formerly known as Dunn's Lake, this sparkling spot covers more than 15,900 acres in North Central Florida. The Lower Keys offer spectacular kayaking opportunities throughout Bahia Honda State park or Key West National Wildlife Refuge as well as numerous backcountry routes such as Coke Hole Cut near Big Pine Key or Nine Mile Bank south of Sugarloaf Cove. 7 Kid Friendly Asheville Restaurants to Try in 2023, Kid Friendly Breweries in Asheville in 2023, The Best Waterfall Hikes near Asheville for Families in 2022, Kid Friendly Breweries in Nashville in 2023, Japan With Kids: Family Travel Tips for a Great Adventure, Must See Stops on the Ring Road with Kids, Iceland 4 Day Itinerary: An Unforgettable Adventure, Easter Island with Kids: A Five Day Itinerary, Easter Island for Kids: Family Fun at the End of the Earth, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). Most alligator fatalities are associated with wading, swimming, or snorkeling in fresh water. Walking small pets near fresh water is also higher risk. ]. However, the experienced kayaker can venture beyond the mangroves and onto the reef for a more thrilling experience on lovely days with calm seas. Well-marked and user-friendly, the 190-mile Calusa Blueway Paddling Trail is a paddler's paradise of secluded beaches and protected estuaries that are laced with mangrove islands and tunnels as well as tidal creeks. According to some people, the Suwannee River is Floridas best as it accommodates any skill level of paddler. Florida has some of the most picturesque, natural springs in the world. 11 The Estimated Alligator Population In Florida Is Around One Million. Visual journalist Amanda Inscore added Class Pass to our list. But this goes back to respecting their territory. In addition, the river is free of alligators, so you can enjoy your time kayaking without worrying about running into any. Well cover where to go, what safety tips to follow, and where to avoid going due to the fear of Alligators. You don't want a gator to feel threatened by your presence, or they might charge at your kayak. This lovely stretch offers paddlers miles of scenic views while they explore its numerous springs along more than 220-miles course length! The St. Johns River is an amazing place to go kayaking in Florida. The park is generally considered safe for travelers who take necessary precautions for their own well-being such as being mindful about drinking only bottled water when camping out or refraining from wandering deep into trails without a guide present because borders with Mexico share common land entrances near the national park.. A: Kayaking can be dangerous, so always paddle within your comfort level and never attempt something that is beyond your capabilities. You may come across turtles, and herons and may see an alligator or two. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. My team and I are huge outdoor enthusiasts, and youll find information from RVing, kayaking, snorkeling, and etc. Read more. Learn More: How much is it to go kayaking? Our posts may contain affiliate links. Walmart Kayaks Review, Where to Kayak In Florida Without Alligators. The John Pennekamp Coral Reef is a popular destination for kayakers. The island is known for its pristine beaches and calm waters, making it a perfect spot for kayaking. If youre looking for a way to get out on the water without worrying about pesky alligators, then look no further than Florida! Clam Pass. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. If something unexpected happens while on your trip, make sure you have emergency contacts written down. Where To Kayak In Florida Without Alligators - Everything You Need To Wildlife exploration in Florida. Along with Anastasia State Park paddle boards and kayaks, the company also offers bike rentals, sailboat rentals, and beach chair and supply rentals. And dont forget to apply sunscreen! Will A Kayak Drown Me If I Turn Upside Down? Alligator that menaced a Florida paddleboarder is killed | WUSF Public From here, countless springs pour into the river, making the water current faster. As you move along the path, it will alternate between full shade and full sun. Is it Safe to Kayak with Alligators? - Wild Louisiana Tours 10 Picturesque Places to Go Kayaking in Florida - Trips To Discover If you are interested in seeing Comb jelly fish, they can be seen between November and May. And if youre kayaking at night, be sure to wear a light so you can be seen. In addition, this area has many access points, such as Palatka or Blue Spring State Park. Are you looking for where to kayak in Florida without alligators? 1. If this is not a sight to behold, tell me what is. Starting at Everglades City, rent a kayak at one of the several outlets and head out into the famous swamp for an up close look at alligators, turtles, and ancient mangrove forests. While paddling, keep an eye out for alligators or any other potential hazards that may be present in the water. this is why I only kayak in my bathtub. : r/watchpeoplesurvive - reddit Crystal River is well known as a great manatee spotting site, and leads to Three Sisters Spring, a beautiful kayaking site. Plus since most of its banks are also lined with wetlands so full visibility helps keep away any potential danger due to hidden predators like alligators too! This Orlando landmark is a great place to go kayaking, especially if youre looking for a bit of city scenery. Just south from Lake Monroe County Park is another great spot for paddlers: Pretty Lake Canoe Trails located in Edgewater, FL. You can get there from the cities of Crystal River or Apalachicola, where you can rent a kayak and go paddling for hours without alligators. The Silver River is known for its crystal clear waters, abundant wildlife, and natural beauty, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Fe_River_(Florida), https://www.floridastateparks.org/parks-and-trails/suwannee-river-wilderness-state-trail, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_River_(Florida). You should, therefore, do your research and know when the water levels are high enough to enable you to paddle comfortably. If your preference is saltwater paddling opportunities instead, then websites such as KayakFloridaKeys offer great suggestions for all levels of skill including beginner friendly trips from Key Largo all the way down through Dry Tortugas National Park near Key West. Reasons, Prevention, and Fixes, How to Ship a Kayak Across Country? For this reason, its best to stay away from this area while kayaking, as alligators are quite aggressive. Lets get to know some amazing things about these places, so you can plan your kayaking trip accordingly. 8 Best Places to Kayak in Florida (And Avoid Alligators) A female alligator with a nest will be bold to protect her eggs. Where To Kayak In Florida Without Alligators? (Quick Facts) Weeki Wachee Springs State Park is the perfect destination for kayakers. Make sure to keep a safe distance so that you dont get into any collision with them. For more information, call us at 321-735-9400 today. You can be in an area that's 25 feet deep then take 2 steps and you'll be in an area that's only 10 feet. Florida wildlife officials have now killed a nearly 12-foot alligator that swam within inches of a frightened paddleboarder in a popular state park during an encounter in September recorded on video that went viral. Where to Kayak In Florida Without Alligators - Kayak Gator Free!! Plus, the natural beauty of cypress trees and limestone formations spotted throughout your journey make this experience worth it alone. That is why only kayaking in places with no alligators is a must. The waters are shallow, making them suitable for beginner kayakers. Noble Hammock is another one of the best places to kayak in Miami, FL. Chances of dying from lighting strike or hurricane are higher. With stunning scenery, clear water, wondrous rock formations, and banks lined with majestic cypress trees, the 6 mile long Ichetuknee River is a wonder to kayak. In Florida, the weather can be hot and humid, so its important to wear light, breathable clothing. General Parking for Tarpon Bay Road Beach Park located at 205 Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel, FL 33957.
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